Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hugo Chavez loses two-thirds majority in Congress. Changes brewing in Venezuela!

Feliz Dia de Indepencia manana, Chile! One of my favorite countries in the whole world. 2 days after Mexican Independence Day. Spain must have been a busy little imperial bee between September 16-18, 1810 with Mexico and Chile sayin "no mas".

In honor of the battle that began the United States occupation of California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona, the Battle of Chapultepec, a true tale of heroism. The Ninos Heroes.

Global Most Wanted List - Top Corporate Human Rights Abusers

The Brazilian Peasent Struggle against neoliberalism and corporate globalization - Free Trade is not Fair Trade!

Ernesto Guevara- Hasta Always

A very powerful message of the voice of immigrants, the destitute, the disadvantaged from North America to South America. From Subcomandante Marcos, leader of the EZLN, the indigenous revolutionary army of the Zapatistas of southern Mexico.

The Sandino Rebellion- Learn about Nicaragua's fight against American imperialism for 100 years

Can Fair Trade increase the standard of living for our Latin American brothers and, in the process, reduce illegal immigration into the United States and throughout the America's?

Is racial profiling constitutional? YES! The basis of SB 1070, although since modified to exclude racial profiling, was the use of a 1975 US Supreme Court ruling that allows this type of race mongering

“The additional economic activity and tax revenue that undocumented workers provide to state and local governments simply overwhelms the fiscal cost to provide services,” said Dan Griswald, an immigration policy expert with the libertarian think tank CATO Institute.

What is the cost of illegal immigration? Do the taxes they pay offset the services they use? Do states actualy make money off illegal immigration? Read this article from FOX BUSINESS NEWS of all media outlets!

Great website. Let's get those American's who are afraid illegal immigration is taking thier jobs to work! Solutions, not hate!